Friday, January 9, 2009

iPhone At Walmart

Finally, the iPhone has made its appearance at Walmart - a little late to take full advantage of Christmas shopping.

What I find really hilarious is the price - after all the breathless rumors about the iPhone price getting slashed for Walmart's sake, it turns out the discount is 1%.  For the 8 GB phone, that means a $2 discount.  For the 16 GB phone, thats a $3 discount.

Hahahahaha.  Who would put up with the lines at Walmart for that discount?  I'll tell you who - people who were shopping at Walmart to begin with. 

iphone walmart

Advantage Walmart - it gets to sell the iPhone, right next to the Google-phone.  And gets bragging rights about the lowest price for an iPhone

Advantage Apple - the discount doesn't even register, and other retailers won't care enough to quarrel with Steve and co.  At the same time, this is another 2k - 3k outlets to sell the iPhone, which is great.

Advantage the Consumer? - Seems rumors of a price decrease are still around;  and the iPhone has a fat enough (and growing) profit margin to allow for a nice price drop in the near future.


satyr9us said...

Hi, great post.

Even if I were saving like $50, I'd have a hard time justifying walking into a Walmart to fork over cash to that family of millionaire ne'erdowells so that they can abuse their underpaid workers some more. So, the staggering savings of 1 or 2 bucks is pretty unlikely to pull me in.

I do some work with Wake-Up Wal-Mart, so I see a lot of tales of their terrible treatment of their workers. This ploy on their part to get Apple fans into their stores is actually laughable.

Anonymous said...

@satyr9us - good point! although a sure sign that the economy is really starting to stagnate is that nowadays i don't see lots of cars parked outside walmart either.