Here’s the design for our main character. Great work by Erika on creating these images.
We went for a Clint Eastwood-ish look, with open clean lines and colors. Clint Eastwood was a no-brainer… after having watched the Man With No Name trilogy over a hundred times, I can’t think of any other looks for a main character in a western.
Oh, for those in the discussions, our man is not a smoker. I know every western gunfighter worth his salt and riding to a Morricone theme would roll his own smokes. But we’re sort of anti-smoking (except for the celebratory cigar, of course).
Anyway, here’s our man, in the opening scenes, when he’s challenged by a new gunfighter.
And here he is moving into his fighting stance, getting his overcoat out of the way. Cool, eh?