Tuesday, July 22, 2008

New Halo game!!

Bungee and MicroSoft have confirmed there is a new Halo game coming!!!!

Why didn't they announce it during E3? MicroSoft's excuse - they felt they didn't have enough time during their press conference, and that they could do it more justice in a dedicated presentation.

To me, sounds like one of two possibilities instead:

a) Microsoft and Bungee's little issues coming to the fore. But this is too low a possibility - no one, least of all MicroSoft, teases their cash cow.

b) A brilliant chess move - start with a really, really solid E3, beating out Sony and Nintendo. Then, when the dust settles and everyone finishes talking about who did best.... throw out this curveball right into the other consoles' faces!!

Amazing. I love it.